5 Ways to Protect Yourself Online

With data breeches being reported at an alarming rate, it’s important to take stock of how you protect your identity online. In your offline life you’re careful to shred important documents and make sure that not everything goes in the normal garbage.  So why do so many people think it’s okay to leave their computers and mobile devices logged in to online banking accounts? You must be diligent at protecting the information that’s important to you. Here are some ways to protect yourself online.

  • Be careful what you share
    You wouldn’t trust just anyone with your personal banking information, or the key code to your house, right? Treat your online information with the same level of security, which means keeping it in a secure location and not written in a notebook by your computer, or saved somewhere in your email account or on your phone. If you must share a password with someone do not send it by email.
  • Change your passwords frequently
    It can be a pain to have to remember a whole new set of passwords,  but you’ll be thankful when your accounts remain secure. Unsure of the best passwords to use? We’ve got a blog post all about it.
  • Don’t use the same passwords for multiple sites.
    Websites seem to be compromised almost daily – that means you’ll want to protect yourself as much as possible with secure passwords. If you’re using the same password for your email, online banking and social networking sites you’re leaving yourself open to attackers accessing multiple spaces with one piece of information.
  • Watch out for suspect links
    I know this seems like an easy one, but every day there’s a new scheme to get you to click on a link you don’t recognize from a seemingly trusted source. And those masterminding these plans are getting wise, developing pages that look more and more like a legitimate resource. If you’re unsure about a message or its contents contact the sender to verify that the link is okay to click.
  • Lock it up
    When you’re done using your mobile device, computer, or tablet lock it. Better yet, have a password in place. While a 4 digit code on your iPhone isn’t foolproof, it will still serve as a barrier between your information and the outside world.

Have any tips to include on how you keep yourself safe online? Please share in our comments section.

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